Saturday, January 26, 2008


i have not been writing very much lately.
i feel as though i've put too much pressure on myself
to produce, produce, produce,
that i haven't been concerned about the quality.
this is not ok.

so lately i've been remembering a time,
when i wrote often
and i've been listening to that song again
that i listened to over and over during that time.

this part of the song is what i feel:

heal my heart and make it clean.
open up my eyes to the things unseen.
show me how to love like you have loved me.
break my heart for what breaks yours.
everything i am for your kingdom's cause.
as i walk from earth into eternity.

[i hope i live this and i hope that is my heart.]

1 comment:

thispresentsojourn said...

i sing harmony on that part at least a few Sundays a month.