Sunday, August 17, 2008

a moment

there are two types of people in this world
[yes, i'm totally using that]
1. people who live for the next moment
2. people who live off the moment they recently had

i seem to go in between the two people.
[as if i'm person 1.5 or something]
sometimes i live off of the moment i've recently had.
i think about it often.
it motivates me.
i tell everyone about it.

but sometimes i find myself desperate for another moment.
i don't like me when i'm person 1.
i can never be satisfied with my recent moment.
[moment can be replaced with experience, occurrence, etc.]
i find myself obsessing over what will happen next.
when will my next moment be?
when will i experience this again?

so my question is...
which is the right person?
do i live off of my moments... or do i live for the next one?
which is the better way to live?
which is the right way to live?
i don't know the answer.

just a thought i had this morning.

1 comment:

Sara Triana said...

well you cannot have one without the other

there is the satisfied man
and the desirous one

but he who is satisfied cannot be so without having his desires fulfilled. so, no one can be the first man all the time, and no one should be the second man all the time.

so your compromise is a good mean.
