Saturday, October 18, 2008


i can't believe i have gone over a week without a post.
well, i must tell you...there have been many
swimming around in this ole brain of mine.

does anyone have a saturday morning routine?
i have one that sort of evolved into what it is today.
every saturday morning [that i am able to]
i wake up around 9 or 9:30
i get coffee/breakfast
[whatever is available in le kitchen]
and i watch a random movie on tv.
sometimes it's not even a whole movie
sometimes i just catch the second half.
today it was selena,
which is awesome by the by.
after i watch my random movie,
i somehow make my way to the shower
and i get ready for the day.
this is usually around 11 or 12 when this happens.

i dearly love my saturday mornings.
this doesn't happen every saturday,
but in my perfect world it would.


seabull said...


Charles Allen said...

my ideal saturday is waking up around 8, then running for an hour. this doesnt happen much.. usually its waking up at 9 and watching some horrible show on the only non-fuzzy channel we have on our tv.